About Us

Our goal at Remnant Seeds is to help and equip people to start on their gardening journey! From starting your first small garden plot to attempting to grow your own food for one year, we are here with helpful resources, affordable, high quality products and expert advice.  

In a world where commercialized food production is the norm, many have lost the the art of growing their own food. Tilling and preparing the ground, planting and caring for your seeds, harvesting and preserving is lost knowledge that has often died with the older generations. Tools are no longer redly available for people who grow all their food but not so much to be commercial. The few tools that are available like this are often very expensive, causing them to be discouraged to start. Hybrid and GMO seeds are taking over the market and the soil is often depleted, needing care to get it back to a growing state. 

And it’s for all these reasons that we started Remnant Seeds! Our aim is to provide people with that remnant knowledge, products and resources to help them on their gardening journey. We value sustainability and therefore only offer open-pollinated seeds. Our seeds are never chemically treated, never GMO. Being located in the north, we also provide seeds that has been grown and tested in the colder climates, helping those who are in a harsher, more unforgiving area. Watch for cold climate symbols on our seeds.  

Remnant Seeds is owned by MacKenzie Drebit, who started Remnant Seeds in 2012. His goal was to provide people with high quality, open-pollinated seeds. He has since grown it to include quality tools and an online store. MacKenzie is a trained Life Soil Consultant and has a background in human nutrition. He is passionate about the benefits of healthy soil, producing healthy food and healthy people.

We at Remnant Seeds care about the bodies need for healthy, homegrown food and physical activity. We understand the health benefits of being in the garden and we are passionate about helping others to have a healthy lifestyle and food security.